In September, 2007, OCEANIC Maritime Agency as agent took part in a unique project - delivery of special polypropylene pipes for a pipe-line between points Kronstadt and Lomonosov. The length of cargo carried by a sea-tug was more than 500metres. Here you can see pictures made at the moment of joint work our agents and Kronstadt customs. We would like to express our gratitude to city Authorities and personally to governor of Saint-Petersburg Mrs. Matvienko, who kindly helped us to solve questions in shortest time. We also thank tug companies "Griffon" and "Marine Transport Agency" for their noble hard work in difficult conditions and we thank all involved persons carried us through.
Delivery of special polypropylene pipes
Delivery of special polypropylene pipes Delivery of special polypropylene pipes Delivery of special polypropylene pipes
Carriage heavy lift vessels to European ports
Heavy lift vessels
Heavy lift vessels Heavy lift vessels Heavy lift vessels
Carriage of dredger
Carriage of dredger
Carriage of dredger Carriage of dredger
Carriage dredger "At your service" to Varandey on barge EMS Pontoon